Heart transplant in Iran

Heart transplant surgery in Iran

In recent years, Iran has emerged as a pioneer in the field of heart transplant surgery. With cutting-edge medical facilities and a pool of skilled surgeons, the country offers a beacon of hope for those in need of cardiac interventions.

Iran’s approach to heart transplant surgery is characterized by a fusion of advanced technology and compassionate care. The meticulous procedure involves the transplantation of a healthy heart into a patient with a failing heart, providing a new lease on life.

The success rates of heart transplant surgeries in Iran speak volumes about the expertise and dedication of the medical professionals involved. Patients from around the world are drawn to the country’s renowned medical centers, where innovation and precision converge.

Furthermore, Iran’s commitment to medical research and development has led to groundbreaking advancements in heart transplant techniques. These innovations aim to enhance the overall success and efficiency of the procedure, ensuring better outcomes for patients.

Is a heart transplant possible? What is the success rate of a heart transplant? How is the heart transplant performed step by step? How much does a heart transplant cost in Iran? Stay with us to know these questions.

Heart transplant package in Iran 2023

What is heart transplant?

Surgeons replace a diseased heart with a healthy one from a deceased donor in a heart transplant, often viewed as a final option for those with end-stage heart failure or severe conditions unresponsive to alternative treatments.

During the transplant surgery, the patient’s damaged heart is removed, and the donor heart is connected to the major blood vessels in the chest. The new heart is then carefully implanted, and the blood vessels are reattached to allow for proper blood flow. The entire process requires meticulous surgical skill and precision.

After the surgery, patients undergo a rigorous recovery process, which includes intensive medical monitoring and immunosuppressive medications to prevent the body’s immune system from rejecting the transplanted heart. Follow-up care is essential to ensure the long-term success of the transplant.

When is a heart transplant performed?

End-Stage Heart Failure

Consideration for a transplant arises when the heart can’t pump blood effectively, causing severe symptoms like breathlessness, fatigue, and fluid retention.


Consider a transplant as a treatment option if severe blockage or damage to the coronary arteries results in irreversible harm to the heart muscle.


Conditions that cause the heart muscle to become enlarged, thickened, or rigid can lead to heart failure. In cases where medications and other treatments are not effective, a heart transplant may be recommended.

Congenital Heart Defects

Some individuals are born with structural heart defects that may lead to heart failure over time. In certain cases, a transplant may be the best option.

Valvular Heart Disease

Severe damage to heart valves, which affects blood flow, may necessitate a transplant if other treatments are insufficient.

The decision to perform a transplant is complex and involves careful evaluation by a medical team. Factors such as the overall health of the patient, the severity of the heart condition, and the availability of a suitable donor heart are considered. Due to the scarcity of donor organs, not all individuals with advanced heart disease are eligible for transplantation. The procedure is typically reserved for those who have exhausted other treatment options and have a high likelihood of benefiting from the transplant.

Heart transplant videos

Artificial heart transplant (artificial heart replacement) surgery

Artificial heart transplant (artificial heart replacement) surgery

An artificial transplant surgery, refers to the implantation of an artificial or mechanical heart device rather than a natural, biological heart. This procedure is not a traditional  transplant, where a failing biological heart is replaced with a healthy donor heart.

Artificial heart transplant in Iran involve the insertion of a mechanical device to assist or completely take over the pumping function of the heart. These devices are typically used as a bridge to transplantation for patients awaiting a donor heart or as a permanent solution in cases where a natural transplant is not feasible.

One example of an artificial heart is a Total Artificial Heart (TAH), which is a device that replaces the entire heart. Another example is a Ventricular Assist Device (VAD), which is designed to assist the pumping function of one or both ventricles of the heart.

Surgeons frequently implant these artificial devices during open-heart surgery, playing a crucial role in sustaining and enhancing a patient’s life while awaiting a suitable donor heart. They also serve as a long-term solution for those ineligible for a natural transplant.

It’s important to note that while artificial heart devices have advanced significantly in recent years, they are not a cure for heart failure but rather a way to manage the condition and support the patient’s cardiovascular function.

how long does a heart transplant last?

A 2020 study on over 30,000 individuals aged 50 and older who underwent transplant indicates an overall 1-year survival rate of approximately 89%. About half of these individuals lived for at least 12 years following the surgery.

What is the success rate of a heart transplant?

Around 85 to 90 percent of patients who undergo transplant are alive one year post-surgery, with an annual mortality rate of about 4 percent thereafter.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of artificial heart transplantation?


Bridge to Transplant

Artificial hearts, can sustain patients with severe heart failure while they await a suitable donor heart.

Improved Quality of Life

For individuals with advanced heart failure, artificial hearts can significantly improve quality of life by enhancing blood circulation.

Extended Survival

Artificial hearts can extend the survival of patients who are not immediately eligible for heart transplantation, providing them with more time to find a suitable donor.

Potential Destination Therapy

some artificial heart devices can be used as a long-term solution, known as destination therapy, to support the patient’s cardiac function.


Surgical Risks:

Implanting artificial hearts involves open-heart surgery, which carries inherent risks, including infection, bleeding, and complications associated with anesthesia.

Device-related Complications

Artificial hearts can be prone to device-related complications, such as clotting, device malfunction, or infection around the implant site.

Limited Lifespan

While artificial hearts can provide significant support, they are not a permanent solution. Mechanical devices may have a limited lifespan, and the need for replacement or additional surgeries can arise.


The cost of artificial heart transplantation, including the device, surgery, and ongoing medical care, can be substantial, posing challenges for accessibility and affordability.

Preparations before heart transplant surgery:

Prepare for a heart transplant by undergoing blood type matching and tissue typing to find a compatible donor. Adopt a healthy lifestyle, strictly adhere to medications, and build a robust support system. Once listed for transplant, be ready for a potential waiting period and maintain close communication with the transplant team, following their guidance for a successful heart transplant surgery. It’s important to note that a heart transplant involves open heart surgery, a complex procedure requiring meticulous skill and precision. Therefore, entrusting the process to a specialized team experienced in both general heart surgery and the intricacies of cardiac transplantation is paramount for the best possible outcome.

Care after heart transplant surgery

After a surgery, focus shifts to meticulous post-operative care. Patients undergo a period of close monitoring to detect and address any signs of rejection or complications.
A strict regimen of immunosuppressive medications is initiated to prevent the immune system from attacking the new heart. Regular follow-up appointments with the transplant team become a cornerstone of post-transplant life, ensuring medication adjustments, monitoring overall health, and addressing any concerns promptly.
Emotionally, adapting to the new heart and embracing a transformed life becomes a significant part of the recovery journey, supported by ongoing counseling and the unwavering commitment of the patient to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

What is the life expectancy and survival rate in heart transplantation?

Life expectancy after a heart transplant has significantly improved over the years. On average, recipients can expect a 10-year survival rate of around 70-75%, and many individuals go on to live much longer. However, individual outcomes vary based on factors such as age, overall health, adherence to post-transplant care, and the occurrence of complications. Advances in medical care and immunosuppressive therapies have contributed to prolonged survival post-transplant, allowing recipients to lead fulfilling lives.

Heart transplant experiences in Iran

What is the survival rate of a heart transplant?

heart transplant

Life expectancy after a transplant has significantly improved over the years. On average, recipients can expect a 10-year survival rate of around 70-75%, and many individuals go on to live much longer. However, individual outcomes vary based on factors such as age, overall health, adherence to post-transplant care, and the occurrence of complications. Advances in medical care and immunosuppressive therapies have contributed to prolonged survival post-transplant, allowing recipients to lead fulfilling lives.

What is heart transplant rejection?

Heart transplant rejection occurs when the recipient’s immune system identifies the transplanted heart as foreign and attacks it. There are two main types of rejection:

  • acute rejection, which can occur shortly after transplantation.
  • chronic rejection, which develops gradually over time.

Heart transplant rejection rate

In the first year post-transplant, acute rejection occurs in around 15-20% of recipients, but advancements in immunosuppressive therapies have significantly reduced the severity and impact of such episodes.

Heart transplant rejection symptoms

  • Fatigue
  • Shortness of Breath
  • Fluid Retention
  • Tolerance
  • Irregular Heartbeat
  • Flu-Like Symptoms
  • Decreased Urination

It’s crucial for transplant recipients to promptly report any unusual symptoms to their transplant team.

What is the cost of heart transplant surgery in Iran?

The cost of a heart transplant can be very expensive. In the United States, heart transplant surgery costs about $1.4 million. In Iran, this cost will be only a small fraction of this amount, and the cost of heart transplant surgery in Iran will be between 7000 and 9000 dollars. This means you can travel to Iran, have the surgery, enjoy your vacation while you recover, and still pay the least amount of money.

What are the complications of a heart transplant?

What are the complications of a heart transplant?

Heart transplant, while life-saving, can be associated with various complications. Common complications include:

  • Rejection: The immune system may recognize the transplanted heart as foreign and initiate an immune response.
  • Infection: Immunosuppressive medications increase susceptibility to infections.
  • Immunosuppression Side Effects: Medications used to prevent rejection can lead to side effects like kidney dysfunction, diabetes, and increased risk of certain cancers.
  • Cardiac Allograft Vasculopathy (CAV): Gradual narrowing of the coronary arteries in the transplanted heart.
  • Post-transplant Lymphoproliferative Disorder (PTLD): Abnormal cell growth associated with Epstein-Barr virus, often due to immunosuppression.
  • Kidney Dysfunction: Impaired kidney function can result from medications or other factors.
  • Hypertension: High blood pressure may develop post-transplant.
  • Metabolic Issues: Changes in cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
  • Psychosocial Challenges: Emotional and psychological adjustments to life post-transplant.

Managing these complications requires close collaboration with the transplant team, regular follow-up care, and adherence to prescribed medications and lifestyle modifications. Despite the challenges, many individuals lead fulfilling lives post-transplant.

Recovery after heart transplant:

Diet after heart transplant

  • Low-Sodium Diet
  • Heart-Healthy Fats
  • Lean Proteins
  • High-Fiber Foods
  • Limited Sugar Intake
  • Portion Control
  • Hydration
  • Vitamin and Mineral-Rich Foods
  • Limit Alcohol

Exercise after heart transplant

  • Gradual Start: Begin with light activities like walking.
  • Aerobic Exercise: Include aerobic activities like walking, cycling, or swimming to improve cardiovascular fitness.
  • Strength Training: Incorporate light resistance training to build and maintain muscle strength.
  • Flexibility Exercises: Include stretching exercises to enhance flexibility and joint mobility.
  • Regular Monitoring: Work closely with your transplant team to establish a personalized exercise plan and monitor progress.
  • Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how your body responds to exercise and adjust intensity accordingly.
  • Avoid Overexertion: While exercise is crucial, avoid overexertion, and rest when needed.

Smoking after heart transplantation

  • Avoidance is Crucial: Smoking increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, including coronary artery disease, which can negatively impact the transplanted heart.
  • Increased Risk of Rejection: Smoking may increase the risk of rejection and compromise the overall success of the transplant.
  • Respiratory Issues: Smoking can lead to respiratory problems, impacting lung function and overall health.

alcohol consumption after heart transplantation

  • Moderation is Key: If allowed by your healthcare team, alcohol consumption should be moderate. Excessive alcohol can negatively interact with medications and affect the liver.
  • Medication Interaction: Some medications used post-transplant may interact negatively with alcohol, potentially impacting their effectiveness.
  • Liver Health: Excessive alcohol consumption can harm the liver, which is crucial for processing medications and maintaining overall health.

Sex and pregnancy after heart transplant

Sexual Activity:

  1. Individual Assessment: Sexual activity is generally allowed, but individual considerations such as overall health and cardiovascular status should be discussed with the transplant team.
  2. Medication Interaction: Some medications may impact sexual function, so any concerns or changes should be communicated to the healthcare team.
  3. Open Communication: Discuss any concerns or questions about sexual activity openly with your transplant team for personalized guidance.


  1. Timing: Pregnancy timing should be carefully planned, and it’s important to consult with the transplant team before conception.
  2. Medication Adjustment: Medication adjustments may be necessary during pregnancy to minimize risks to both the mother and the developing fetus.
  3. Close Monitoring: Pregnant women with a transplant require close monitoring to manage potential challenges and ensure a healthy pregnancy.
  4. Consultation with Specialists: Collaboration with obstetricians and maternal-fetal medicine specialists is crucial for comprehensive care during pregnancy.

Working and driving after heart transplant

Working and driving after heart transplant

Returning to work after a heart transplant involves an individualized assessment of overall health, the nature of the job, and physical capabilities. It is typically a gradual process, starting with modified duties and part-time work. Open communication with employers is key, and considerations for transportation should be addressed.
Resuming driving post-transplant also requires a careful evaluation, considering factors such as medication effects on concentration and reaction times. Always consult with the transplant team for personalized guidance on both returning to work and driving to ensure a safe and successful transition to post-transplant life.

What does orthotopic heart transplant mean?

In orthotopic surgery, a patient’s unhealthy heart is replaced with a donor heart, positioned in the same location as the original heart. The term “orthotopic” signifies “same place” and represents the most common approach to heart transplantation.

heart transplant waiting list

The waiting list is a critical component of the organ transplant in Iran process. When someone is in need of a heart transplant, they are placed on a waiting list managed by a transplant center or a national organ procurement organization. The allocation of organs is typically based on factors such as medical urgency, blood type compatibility, body size, and geographic proximity.

Patients on the waiting list are given a priority score based on the severity of their condition and the urgency of their need for a transplant. This scoring system helps prioritize those who are most critically ill and likely to benefit the most from a transplant.

It’s important to note that the availability of donor hearts is limited, and the demand for organs far exceeds the supply. As a result, individuals on the waiting list may face a challenging and uncertain wait for a suitable donor organ. The process is highly regulated and aims to ensure fairness and equity in organ allocation.

Which country does the most heart transplants?

Iran has emerged as a leader in successful organ transplants globally, with notable achievements in heart transplantation. It holds the top position in the world for the successful growth of organ transplantation. Additionally, Iran ranks first in pediatric transplant procedures, showcasing significant advancements in the field.

Which country has the cheapest heart transplant?

It expenses can be exorbitant, especially in the United States, where the procedure may reach a staggering $1.4 million. Conversely, in Iran, the cost is significantly lower, ranging from $7,000 to $9,000, presenting a more economical alternative.

Which hospital performs the most heart transplants in Iran?

Shahid Rajaei Hospital in Tehran is widely recognized as a leading cardiac center in the Middle East, renowned for its expertise in transplants. With a strong focus on cardiac care, it has earned a reputation for excellence in the field. The hospital’s contributions to heart transplantation make it a key institution for cardiovascular health in the region.

Who is the most famous doctor for heart transplant in Iran?

  • Professor Tofiq Mousavand, the inventor of the first artificial heart inside the human body
  • Mohammad Hossein Mandage, the father of heart transplantation in Iran
  • Dr. Abbasqoli Daneshvar, the father of Iranian heart surgery


In conclusion, heart transplants represent a remarkable feat of medical science and technology, offering a lifeline to individuals grappling with severe heart conditions. The procedure has evolved significantly since its inception, with advancements in surgical techniques, organ preservation, and immunosuppressive therapies, greatly improving patient outcomes. While the challenges of organ shortages and post-transplant complications persist, the overall success and increasing acceptance of heart transplants underscore the profound impact they have on extending and enhancing the quality of life for those in need. As medical research and technology continue to advance, the future holds promise for even greater strides in the field of cardiac transplantation, bringing hope to countless individuals facing the daunting prospect of heart-related illnesses.


Can heart transplant patients have pets?

Absolutely, having pets is generally fine for heart transplant patients. It’s important for them to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and the companionship and joy that pets bring can contribute positively to their well-being. Of course, individual circumstances may vary, so it’s advisable for patients to consult with their healthcare team for personalized advice based on their specific health status.

Can heart transplant patient exercise?

Exercise is encouraged for heart transplant patients, but it should be approached gradually and under medical supervision.

can heart transplant patients live a normal life?

With proper care, transplant patients can lead normal lives, although they require ongoing medical attention.

Can heart transplant patients have babies?

recipients can have babies, but pregnancy requires careful planning and monitoring.

Can heart transplant change your feelings?

While a transplant can bring emotional changes, it doesn’t necessarily alter core personality traits.

Does a heart transplant affect personality?

It doesn’t typically affect personality, but psychological adjustments may occur.

Is heart transplant safe?

Heart surgery is considered safe, with risks managed through thorough screening and medical evaluation.

Is heart transplant dangerous?

While transplant surgery carries risks, advancements have made it less dangerous, with careful patient selection.

When a heart transplant is done?

transplants are done when a patient’s heart is severely diseased or failing.


  • Henry, 4 November, 2023 @ 7:56 am Reply

    Is a heart transplant painful?

    • Admin, 4 November, 2023 @ 8:16 am Reply

      This surgery has some risks and recovery periods that require careful care. The most important risks include infection, bleeding, surgical complications, trace plant replacement, rare drug reactions, and patient complications. Also, the recovery period after heart surgery requires special care and rehabilitation processes.

      Some patients may complain of complications such as pain, fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath and other problems during the recovery period. These things can be different depending on the initial condition of the patient and the progress of the surgery.

      For each person and their brief circumstances, the amount of pain and problems after the operation may be different. But the medical team and health care nurses help patients to ease their worries and be by their side at every stage of recovery.

  • Liam, 4 November, 2023 @ 8:45 am Reply

    What is the success rate of heart transplantation in Iran?

    • Admin, 4 November, 2023 @ 11:50 am Reply

      Iran has a successful history in the field of heart transplantation, and Iranian surgeons with a lot of experience and expertise work in this field. Heart transplants are performed with a high success rate, and Iran is one of the leaders in performing heart transplants in the world. Reputable medical centers and advanced equipment are considered as effective factors in increasing the success rate of heart transplant operations in Iran.

  • Mahruk, 11 November, 2023 @ 10:26 am Reply

    How likely is it that I will be able to return to my normal life if I have a heart transplant? Can I live like a normal person?

    • Admin, 11 November, 2023 @ 3:12 pm Reply

      The success of a heart transplant and the ability to return to a relatively normal life depend on various factors, including the overall health of the recipient, the success of the surgery, and post-transplant care. Many people who undergo heart transplants go on to lead fulfilling and active lives.

      After a heart transplant, individuals usually need to make significant lifestyle changes and adhere to a strict regimen of medications to prevent rejection and manage other potential complications. Regular follow-up visits with healthcare professionals are crucial for monitoring the transplanted heart’s function and overall health.

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