  درخواست وقت ملاقات

لورم ایپسوم متن ساختگی
با تولید سادگی نامفهوم

Shahid Rajaee Cardiovascular Training, Research and
Treatment Center (Shahid Rajaee Heart Hospital)
is one of the largest heart hospitals in Asia.
The center obtained its operating license from
the Ministry of Health and Medical Education and
is under the supervision of the Ministry and is a
central academic and government center.

دارای برترین خدمات
پزشکی در کشور



  درخواست وقت ملاقات

لورم ایپسوم متن ساختگی
با تولید سادگی نامفهوم

Shahid Rajaee Cardiovascular Training, Research and
Treatment Center (Shahid Rajaee Heart Hospital)
is one of the largest heart hospitals in Asia.
The center obtained its operating license from
the Ministry of Health and Medical Education and
is under the supervision of the Ministry and is a
central academic and government center.

دارای برترین خدمات
پزشکی در کشور



Opening Time

24 Hours of 7 Days

Special Doctors

More then 320 Special Doctors

Best Location

Best location in North of Tehran

About Shahid Rajaei Hospital

Shahid Rajaee Cardiovascular Training, Research and Treatment Center (Shahid Rajaee Heart Hospital) is one of the largest heart hospitals in Asia. The center obtained its operating license from the Ministry of Health and Medical Education and is under the supervision of the Ministry and is a central academic and government center. It is the heart of the country’s scientific medical center. In addition to providing diagnostic and therapeutic services, the center provides preventive medicine and health promotion services and simultaneously holds seminars, conferences and scientific medical congresses to retrain physicians and other medical and nursing staff. It is also home to the Iranian Cardiovascular Research Center.

Best Service / Best Price

Our Specialist

Cardiology 97%
Urology 77%
General surgery 86%

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