  درخواست وقت ملاقات

لورم ایپسوم متن ساختگی
با تولید سادگی نامفهوم

In 2007, due to lack of medical facilities in Alborz province
, Maryam Health Company decided to build a hospital
with mother and infant tendency in Golshahr area of ​​Karaj
After obtaining the necessary permits, construction operations
and finally equipping of the hospital, hospital and maternity...

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پزشکی در کشور



  درخواست وقت ملاقات

لورم ایپسوم متن ساختگی
با تولید سادگی نامفهوم

In 2007, due to lack of medical facilities in Alborz province
, Maryam Health Company decided to build a hospital
with mother and infant tendency in Golshahr area of ​​Karaj
After obtaining the necessary permits, construction operations
and finally equipping of the hospital, hospital and maternity...

دارای برترین خدمات
پزشکی در کشور



Opening Time

24 Hours of 7 Days

Special Doctors

More then 210 Special Doctors

Best Location

Best location in Karaj Providence

About Maryam Hospital

In 2007, due to lack of medical facilities in Alborz province, Maryam Health Company decided to build a hospital with mother and infant tendency in Golshahr area of ​​Karaj. After obtaining the necessary permits, construction operations and finally equipping of the hospital, hospital and maternity ward of Maryam began on June 19th in order to provide advanced health care based on adherence to human dignity. The hospital is designed in two and three-storey blocks and has 2 hospital beds and 2 emergency beds. Maryam Hospital is the first private hospital with ICU and NICU units. Currently ICU ward with 4 beds and NICU with 2 beds are active.

Best Service / Best Price

Our Specialist

Pediatrics 87%
Transplant 82%
Cardiology 70%

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